The separation of between two straight lines joining at a
point is called an angle. When two line segments have a single common point,
then an angle is formed at that point.
In the given figure, two line segments AB and BC have a
single common point B, then angle ABC is formed at B. It is represented by the
symbol ‘∠’ while writing. The
angle can be writen as ∠ABC or ∠CBA.
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Types of Angles
According to the measure of an angle, there are different types of angles as follows:
Right angle
An angle whose measure is exactly 90° is called a right
In the given figure, ∠ABC is 90°. So ∠ABC is marked as a Right Angle by a small square at B.
Acute Angle
angle which is less than 90° and more than 0° is called an acute angle.
In the
given figure, ∠QPS = 60° which is
less than 90°. So ∠QPS is an acute
Obtuse Angle
angle which is less than 180° and more than 90° is called an obtuse angle.
angles between 90° to 180° are called obtuse angles. In the given figure ∠AOB is more than 90° but less than 180°. i.e. ∠AOB = 135°. So, ∠AOB is an obtuse
Straight Angle
angle of exactly 180° is called a straight angle.
In the given figure, ∠ABC = 180°. So ∠ABC is a straight
Reflex Angle
angle which is less than 360° and more than 180° is called a reflex angle.
the given figure, ∠XYZ = 220°, which is
less than 360° and more than 180°. So ∠XYZ is an reflex
Full Turn Angle
angle which is equal to 360° is called a full turn angle (complete angle).
In the
given figure, ∠ABC = 360°. So, ∠ABC is a full turn angle.