Fractions having denominators 10, 100, 1000, etc. are called decimal fractions or Decimals. For example, 9/10, 68/100, and 565/1000 are decimal fractions but they are written as 0.9, 0.68, and 0.565
respectively using a dot (.) called a decimal point.
Consider the number 65423.9871. We can put this number in a place
value chart. The place value chart consists of two parts as whole number part and
the decimal number part. The place value chart is given here below.
Place Value Chart

To separate whole numbers from fractional numbers a small dot
(.) called a decimal point is put between the ones and tenths place as shown in the
number 65423.9871 above.
Fraction and Decimal
There is a close relation between fractions and decimals. Fractions
and decimals can be interchanged with each other. For example, an Easy way to change
fractions into decimals is given in the table below:

So, let’s make the denominator 10, 100, 1000, 10000, and so on by
multiplying the numerator and denominator by the same number. Then count the number
of zeros in the denominator to count the place to keep the decimal in the numerator in the
direction right to left.
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Workout Examples


Example 2: Change 0.123 into a fraction.
Here, in 0.123, we have 3 digits after the decimal. So, we put 1 and
three zeros in the denominator then remove decimal point 123 in the numerator.

You can ask your questions or problems regarding decimals and
fractions in the comment section below.