Trigonometric Equation
An equation involving trigonometrical
ratios of unknown angles is called a trigonometric
equation. The values of the unknown angle which satisfy the given equation
are called the solution of the equation.
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We know that the trigonometric ratio of a
certain angle has a unique value. But, if the value of a trigonometric ratio is
given, the angle is not unique. For example, let us take the equation:
2cosx =
cosx = √3/2
We know,
√3/2 =
∴ cosx = cos30°
i.e. x
= 30°
cos30° =
cos(360° - 30°) = cos330°
x = 330°
∴ x maybe 30° or 330°.
Again, if we add 360° to the angle 30° or
330°, cosine of any one of these angles will also be √3/2. So there might be
many angles x which satisfy the equation. But, we will try to find the angles
within the given range of solutions.
Method for finding angles:
First of all, we determine the
quadrant where the angle falls. For this, we use the ‘all, sin, tan, cos’ rule.
If sinx is positive, the angle x falls in the 1st and
2nd quadrants, and if sinx is negative, the angle x falls in the 3rd
and 4th quadrants. If cosx is positive, x lies in the 1st
and 4th quadrants, and if cosx is negative, x lies in 2nd
and 3rd quadrants. If tanx is positive, x lies in the 1st
and 3rd quadrants, and if tanx is negative, x lies in the 2nd
and 4th quadrants.

To find the angle in the 1st
quadrant, we find the acute angle which satisfies the equation.
For example: If 2cosx = 1
Then, cosx = ½
Or, cosx = cos60°
So, x = 60°.
To find the angle in 2nd
quadrant, we subtract the acute angle x from 180°.
To find the angle in 3rd
quadrant, we add the acute angle x to 180°.
To find the angle in 4th
quadrant, we subtract the acute angle x from 360°.
(vi) To find the value of x from the equations like sinx = 0, cosx = 0, tanx = 0, sinx = 1, cosx = 1, sinx = -1 and cosx = -1, we should note the following results:

Worked Out Examples
Example 1: Solve: sin2x = sinx (0° ≤ x ≤ 180°)
Solution: Here,
sin2x = sinx
or, sin2x
– sinx = 0
or, sinx(sinx
– 1) = 0
∴ Either,
sinx = 0 ………….. (i)
Or, sinx –
1 = 0 ……..….. (ii)
From (i), sinx = 0 = sin0° = sin180°
∴ x = 0° or 180°
From (ii), sinx – 1 = 0
or, sinx = 1 = sin90°
∴ x = 90°
Hence, x = 0°, 90°, 180°.
Example 2: Solve: 7sin2x + 3cos2x
= 4 (0° ≤ x ≤ 360°)
Solution: Here,
7sin2x + 3cos2x = 4
or, 7sin2x
+ 3(1 – sin2x) = 4
or, 7sin2x
+ 3 – 3sin2x = 4
or, 4sin2x
= 4 – 3
or, 4sin2x
= 1
or, sin2x
= ¼
or, sinx
= ± ½
Taking +ve sign,
sinx = ½ = sin30°
sin30° = sin(180° - 30°) = sin150°
∴ x = 30°, 150°
Taking –ve sign,
sinx = - ½ = - sin30° = sin(180° + 30°) =
sinx = - ½ = - sin30° = sin(360° - 30°) = 330°
∴ x = 210°, 330°
Hence, x = 30°, 150°, 210°, 330°.
Example 3: Solve: 2cosθ = cotθ (0° ≤ x ≤ 360°)
Solution: Here,
2cosθ = cotθ
or, 2cosθ
= cosθ/sinθ
or, 2sinθ
cosθ = cosθ
not cancel cosθ]
or, 2sinθ
cosθ – cosθ = 0
or, cosθ(2sinθ
– 1) = 0
∴ Either,
cosθ = 0 ……….. (i)
Or, 2sinθ
– 1 = 0 ……….. (ii)
From (i), cosθ = 0 = cos90° or cos270°
∴ θ = 90° or 270°
From (ii), 2sinθ – 1 = 0
or, 2sinθ = 1
or, sinθ = ½ =sin30°
sin30° = sin(180° - 30°) = sin150°
∴ θ = 30°, 150°
Hence, θ = 30°, 90°, 150°, 270°.
Example 4: Solve: 2sin2x = 3cosx (0° ≤ x ≤ 360°)
Solution: Here,
2sin2x = 3cosx
or, 2(1
– cos2x) – 3cosx = 0
or, 2 –
2cos2x – 3cosx = 0
or, 2cos2x
+ 3cosx – 2 = 0
or, 2cos2x
+ 4cosx – cosx – 2 = 0
or, 2cosx(cosx
+ 2) – 1(cosx + 2) = 0
or, (cosx
+ 2)(2cosx – 1) = 0
∴ Either, cosx + 2 = 0 ……… (i)
Or, 2cosx – 1 = 0 …………. (ii)
From (i), cosx + 2 = 0
or, cosx = - 2 which is not possible as cosx ≮ - 1. So, this
equation has no solution.
From (ii), 2cosx – 1 = 0
or, 2cosx = 1
or, cosx = ½ = cos60°
cos60° = cos(360° - 60°) = cos300°
∴ x = 60°, 300°.
Example 5: Solve: √3 cosθ + sinθ = 1 (0° ≤ x ≤ 360°)
Solution: Here,
√3 cosθ + sinθ = 1
or, √3
cosθ = 1 – sinθ
Squaring both sides,
or, 3cos2θ
= 1 – 2sinθ + sin2θ
or, 3 –
3sin2θ = 1 – 2sinθ + sin2θ
or, 4sin2θ
– 2sinθ – 2 = 0
or, 2sin2θ
– sinθ – 1 = 0
or, 2sin2θ
– 2sinθ + sinθ – 1 = 0
or, 2sinθ(sinθ
– 1) + 1(sinθ – 1) = 0
or, (sinθ
– 1)(2sinθ + 1) = 0
∴ Either, sinθ – 1 = 0 …….. (i)
Or, 2sinθ – 1 = 0 ………... (ii)
From (i), sinθ – 1 = 0
or, sinθ = 1 = sin90°
∴ θ = 90°.
From (ii), 2sinθ + 1 = 0
or, 2sinθ = - 1
or, sinθ = - ½ = - sin30° = sin(180° + 30°) =
- sin30° = sin(360° - 30°) = sin330°
∴ θ = 210°, 330°
Hence, θ = 90°, 210°, 330°.
Example 6: Solve: sin3x + sinx = sin2x (0° ≤ x ≤ 360°)
Solution: Here,
sin3x + sinx = sin2x
or, 2sin[(3x
+ x)/2] cos[(3x – x)/2] = sin2x
or, 2sin2x
cosx – sin2x = 0
or, sin2x(2cosx
– 1) = 0
∴ Either, sin2x = 0 ……….. (i)
Or, 2cosx – 1 = 0 ……….. (ii)
From (i), sin2x = 0 = sin0° or sin180° or
∴ 2x = 0° or 180° or 360°
or, x = 0° or 90° or 180°
From (ii), 2cosx – 1 = 0
or, 2cosx = 1
or, cosx = ½ = cos60°
∴ x = 60°
Hence, x = 0°, 60°, 90°, 180°.
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