Minors and Cofactors of a Matrix
Let A be a square matrix and aij
is the element in ith row and jth column of A. Then the minor of the element aij is
the determinant of the matrix formed by omitting ith row and jth
column of A. The minor of element aij
is denoted by Mij.
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Minors For 2×2 Matrix

Look at the following pattern to find the minors
of the elements of a 2×2 matrix:

M11 = minor of a11 = |a22|
= a22
M12 = minor of a12 = |a21|
= a21
M21 = minor of a21 = |a12|
= a12
= minor of a22 = |a11| = a11
Minors For 3×3 Matrix

Look at the following pattern to find the minors
of the elements of a 3×3 matrix:


Let A be a square matrix and aij
is the element in ith row and jth column of A. Then the cofactor of the element aij
is given by the number (-1)i+j Mij,
where Mij is the minor of the element aij. The cofactor
of element aij is denoted by Aij.
Cofactors For 2×2 Matrix

Cofactors For 3×3 Matrix

Worked Out Examples

Do you have any questions regarding the minors and cofactors of a matrix?
You can ask your questions or problems here, in the comment section below.